Are IKEA LED Bulbs Dimmable? [+ Non Dimmable Bulbs?]

IKEA is a great place to go if you’re looking to revamp your space. One way to make the space more comfortable and relaxing is by using dimmable LED lights. So, does IKEA sell any dimmable LED lights? Here’s what I found!

Are IKEA LED Bulbs Dimmable?

IKEA has a selection of dimmable LED bulbs, such as the ROLLSBO and TRÅDFRI, that can be altered remotely. These bulbs typically last around 15,000-25,000 hours and cost an average of $15. IKEA estimates bulb lifespan to stretch out to around 15-25k hours.

What Happens If I Put A Regular IKEA Bulb In A Dimmer?

Before fitting a bulb, ensure you are using the correct level of wattage according to your fixture. Regular LED bulbs tend to work ordinarily when dimmable lights are set to standard or high.

However, when you attempt to dim the bulb, your light may become unstable by flickering or buzzing consistently. The lifespan of a regular LED may significantly reduce or even become damaged when dimming features are used.

Which IKEA LED Bulbs Are Best For Dimmers?

At IKEA, there are plenty of perfect LED bulbs supporting an abundance of colors, tones, and brightness.

One, in particular, is the TRÅDFRI LED bulb that supports three different tones to suit various activities costing $15.99 per bulb. Use the remote to control up to 10 other TRÅDFRI LED light bulbs, panels, and doors.

If you’re looking for something more retro, the ROLLSBO LED comes with slightly tinted glass and a decorative light source.

Said to last up to 15,000 hours, the bulb can be dimmed to your personal preference. Priced at just $14.99, the ROLLSBO LED consumes up to 85% less energy than incandescent bulbs.

Both LED bulbs have received a 5/5 star rating on the IKEA website, where you can also find a complete catalog of bulbs, including regular LED.

How Do I Know If My IKEA LED Is Dimmable?

Most residential LED bulbs are dimmable, but it’s always best to check. You will likely find signs that the bulb is dimmable either in words or through a dimming range scale on the exterior packaging.

If you’re shopping online, simply click on “read more” found under the product information tab, where you’ll find all the information regarding dimming, wattage, and unique features.

If you are looking to make your room or space pop, you may be interested in whether or not IKEA sells TVs, wallpaper and if IKEA can deliver furniture to apartments. Additionally, don’t miss my full guide on IKEA bulb equivalents.

Conclusion: Are IKEA LED Bulbs Dimmable?

IKEA offers a wide variety of dimmable LED bulbs, including the ROLLSBO and TRÅDFRI, which can be controlled remotely. Use your bulb to alter colors, tones, and brightness. Discover bulbs in-store and online, check exterior packaging for the dimmable range before purchasing.

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