Does Kroger Have Wifi In 2022? (Password, Free + More)

In order to improve their in-store shopping experience, some retail stores offer open WiFi networks to their customers so that they can access the internet freely.

So in case you live near a Kroger store, you may want to know if Kroger has WiFi for customers. Here is everything I’ve found out about it through my research!

Does Kroger Have WiFi In 2022?

Kroger has teamed up with Edgewater Wireless Systems Inc. to provide an enhanced WiFi platform to customers which is available at most stores in the U.S. as of 2022. To connect, simply search for the “Kroger Wifi” network and press “join”. In most cases, there is no password needed.

If you want to learn more about using the free WiFi on your next visit to Kroger, whether WiFi is available at all Kroger stores, and much more, keep on reading!

What Kind Of WiFi Does Kroger Have?

In 2018, the Kroger Co. collaborated with Edgewater Wireless Systems, a WiFi service provider in America, to enhance its in-store infrastructure with next-generation WiFi powered by WiFi3 technology.

Kroger, as a leading retail chain in the U.S., implemented this to further enhance its service and improve customers’ shopping experience.

If you are having trouble connecting to the free WiFi service whenever you visit Kroger, simply asking a nearby Kroger employee for guidance on how to connect to the network.  

How Does Kroger’s WiFi Enhance Customer Experience?

Kroger wanted to create a better and seamless shopping experience for all its customers by introducing some innovative services.

The next-generation WiFi3 platform provided by Edgewater Wireless Systems will help Kroger power the following services and enhance its offerings to customers:

  • QueVision: this a technology that leverages infrared sensors and predictive analytics that Kroger uses to reduce customers’ waiting times and speed up checkout processes at the store. 
  • EDGE: Enhanced Display for Grocery Environment is an impressive technology that enables Kroger to update the prices of products digitally. This technology replaces the traditional shelves with digital shelves. 
  • FAST: Kroger’s Food at Safe Temperature is an IoT sensor technology that monitors the temperature of foods in freezers and coolers, and preserves the quality of food by sustaining the temperature and keeping it safe.  

Is Kroger WiFi Available At All Stores?

It is not certain whether the WiFi internet access and WiFi3 enhanced in-store services have been implemented across all Kroger locations in the U.S.

You can contact a nearby Kroger store using Kroger’s Store Locator to confirm from an attendant whether the store offers these services to customers.

If you are looking to connect to other wifi networks within stores, you can see our related posts on if Dollar General has WiFi, if Walgreens has WiFi, and if Costco has WiFi.


Most Kroger stores in the U.S. have an open WiFi service for customers to use. This service has been developed and implemented by Kroger in collaboration with Edgewater Wireless Systems Inc and aims to improve the shopping experience of Kroger customers.

Since it is not available at all stores in the U.S., you can contact a local store via Kroger’s store locator to find if that store offers these services.

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